Thursday, December 20, 2012

Update of Sorts

Exciting news! I talked to Heather today, and she is going to come up for my ultrasound/OB appt on January 14th! Yaaaay! She's going to take a short flight to DFW, rent a car, and make the 2 hour drive to Wichita Falls in time to have lunch before the ultrasound. I can't wait! When she texted to ask if it was ok, my only response was, of COURSE it's ok! I mean, it's HER baby. If she were the one pregnant, she'd be at every appointment. 

I want this to be as much "Heather's" pregnancy as it can possibly be, as hard as that is to manage when we live about 7 hours from each other. I tell her all of my cravings, like the other day it was lemon everything. Lemon gummies, lemon cupcakes, lemonade... Today it was Long John Silver's fried clams, and those little bits of fried batter that fall off the fish. Oh Em Gee. I'm planning to take belly pictures every week, as soon as I have a belly. Well, I have a belly now, but it's just a food-baby belly and no one wants to see that. I've been meaning to find a doppler on Amazon so I can record the heartbeat and send it to Heather so that their kids can hear it. Even better, maybe I can get one in time to take with me to Houston next week!

Which reminds me... Only one week until I go spend the weekend in Houston!

Monday, December 17, 2012

8 Weeks!

*yawn* I am SO tired. If I weren't pregnant, I'd swear I had developed a sudden case of narcolepsy. I'm so ready for this phase to be over with, I need my energy back!

In other news, I got a prescription for Zofran and I've managed to set a record on the least amount of times I've vomited in the first 8 weeks (go me!) although I still have the weird, random gagging reflex throughout the day. I look like I cat trying to get up a hairball. Brandon happens to think this is HILARIOUS and will do whatever he can to induce this hysterical event. He'll make me smell his arm pits, talk about gross things, but the worst is when he mimics my gagging. I told him, he's going to think it's funny until I puke on him. It's all in good fun, and I always laugh & he always apologizes for using me as cheap entertainment. But I still hope I vomit on him someday.

I'm flying down to Houston on December 28th thru the 30th to see Heather & Brandon, and meet their awesome kiddos. I am beyond excited! I think we'll be getting together with some of the Houston ladies Friday night, and then Heather & Brandon are taking me to the Rockets vs. Thunder game on Saturday night. Can't wait!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Second Ultrasound

We had our second ultrasound today, and saw one baby measuring perfect at 7w2d, with a heart rate of 144 beats per minute. It appears that the second sac we saw was in fact a big pocket of blood, and not a twin. We realized this on Friday when the pocket ruptured and I nearly bled to death. Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating. I'll spare you the details, but trust me, 'bleeding to death' just about sums it up.

I've been released by our IVF Doctor to the care of my OB, and we have a due date of July 29!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Twinkies? And I Ain't Talkin' Bout Hostess!

Friday was the big day, it was finally time for the ultrasound! Heather and I had both agreed that we were expecting only one gestational sac, since my beta numbers we so low. When one sac appeared on the screen, I told Heather, "see, only one! YAY!" and Dr. E said for me to hold on just a minute because I was speaking too soon. The nurse turned the wand sideways and HOLY EFF THERE IS ANOTHER SAC IN THERE! Heather claims I yelled "holy sh**!" but I don't remember that. Ha! The second sac was just a teeny bit smaller, and the Dr. E explained that it could be a twin with a smaller sac, just catching up (which makes sense, as one of the embryos was smaller) or a twin that has arrested and will vanish. We have another ultrasound December 14th to see.

Heather and Brandon came up for the ultrasound and it was great to see them! They're coming back on the 14th, and since my Brandon is off work that day, he'll get to go too so we can all do lunch after our appointment. I'm so anxious to see if we still have twins, and to see a heartbeat, or two. It was too early Friday, and I know we will all feel much better once we see it.