Monday, January 28, 2013

Long Overdue Update

We are 14 weeks today! Our first OB appointment was the 14th and everything went great. We had an ultrasound and saw the baby wiggling around, and he/she was measuring 2 days ahead with a heart rate of 169. We met with the Nurse Practitioner for my intake, and next time I get to see my OB for the first time. That appointment is Feb 4th.

I'm feeling good, still having some morning sickness but it's much less than it was a couple weeks ago. I'm starting to get a bump and my pants definitely don't fit. My extreme tiredness is fading away and I have more energy, thankfully!

I'll try to do better keeping this updated, but everything is still pretty boring right now!

Monday, January 7, 2013

No More Meds!

Big milestone for us today! We are 11 weeks today, which means last night was my last dose of meds. I was really hoping that no more meds would equal no more (or at least decreased) morning sickness, but this baby let me know very quickly that that was a silly idea. I spent the first 15 minutes of my day hugging the toilet bowl getting rid of everything I had in my stomach, which was only that awful tasting neon-yellow stuff. FUN!!!

But, I am NOT complaining! I know Heather would give anything to be puking up acidy highlighter yellow liquid every morning, and it took us a lot to get where we're at. I'd much rather be hugging the toilet than gearing up for another transfer because the last one failed. See, always a silver lining!

Only one more week until our first OB appointment and ultrasound. Heather is flying in to be there, too! I am beyond excited and so ready to see how the baby is growing. I'm predicting he/she is already measuring waaaay ahead, since my pants don't fit, and that SURELY cannot be from all the cupcakes I've been craving.